The Effect of ORI-geometry on Visual Spatial Skills of Elementary Level Students

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Muneer Ahmed
Dr. Muhammad Naeemullah
Dr. Rabia Tabassum


The purpose of the study was to determine how ori-geometry affected class 3 kids' basic math visual spatial skills. The study's goal was to evaluate how ori-geometry affected primary school children' visual spatial abilities. The null hypothesis that there is no discernible difference in the efficiency of ori-geometry on visual spatial abilities in Mathematics was evaluated to achieve the aforementioned goal. A total of 40 third-grade pupils were use as the study's sample. The investigation was conducted using an experimental equivalent group pretest-posttest research design. The development of pre-test and post-test for data collecting. The acquired data were analyzed using statistical techniques including the mean, standard deviation, and t-test to gauge the student's performance. The study's findings indicated that ori-geometry had a considerable impact on pupils' academic achievement. The outcomes showed that the experimental group's pupils outperformed the control group's kids in terms of performance. Every elementary-level student, teacher, researcher, and curriculum creator should be aware of this study.

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