Role of Leadership and Challenges faced by Leadership in Educational Change and Innovation at School Level
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Educational change and innovation are essential components of school improvement and responsible for school effectiveness. The research is designed to evaluate the school leaders’ role in the implementation of innovation and change in schools. The study objective was also to analyze the challenges faced by the private and govt. school heads in the implementation of innovation and change in schools. Quantitative approach was used and all the school heads of Lahore city were considered as study population. The research sample is comprised of 50 school heads (25 public, 25 private) and selected by convenient method of sampling. Self developed structured questionnaire was used to collect the responses of school heads. Data were analyzed by computing mean and standard deviation. Difference in opinion was tested by using independent sample t-test. Results of the study indicate that school leaders' role plays an important role in bringing educational change and innovation. The results also indicate that school leaders face various challenges in the implementation of innovation and change in school. Further, the results show that the difference in the role of public and private school heads is not statistically significant. This study recommended that school leaders should play their role with passion through understand the importance of bringing change and innovation in school and prepare a comprehensive plan to cope the challenges they face in the implementation of educational change and innovation. This will in turn bring the improved school performance and will make the school effective.
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