Elite Schools Principals’ Concerns and Beliefs Regarding Beginning Teachers’ Classroom Management Skills: A Qualitative Study

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Hadeeqa Nasir
Dr. Yaar Muhammad
Dr. Tahira Batool Bokhari


The purpose of this study was to explore the concerns and beliefs of the elite school principals regarding novice teachers’ classroom management skills. This qualitative research used hermeneutic phenomenology as its research design, and ten principals of the elite schools of Lahore were participants of the study selected through criterion purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore the perceptions of principals regarding novice teachers’ classroom management skills. The analysis revealed that regardless of the theoretical knowledge, novice teachers need practical training, and only time, experience, and hard work can further hone their management skills. The crux of the matter is to incorporate professional development courses dealing with classroom management skills as mandatory for all novice teachers to create an organizational culture that supports novice teachers to become effective classroom organizers. The findings of the study will be helpful for teachers, principals, and school management.

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