Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) <p>Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) published by Sir Syed College of Education Katlang Mardan, Pakistan</p> en-US (Dr. Muhammad Idris) (Hazrat Bilal) Tue, 15 Oct 2024 05:14:10 +0000 OJS 60 Teachers Content Knowledge with Reference to Syntactic and Substantive Knowledge <p><em>Teachers Content Knowledge with Reference to Syntactic and Substantive Knowledge was a new study. It was a pure qualitative study in nature. In this study two research questions were investigated in the literature. (1) What is syntactic knowledge with reference to teacher content knowledge in literature? and (2) What is substantive knowledge with reference to teacher content knowledge in the literature? This Study is very significant. In fact, it has clear teachers and students’ ideas regarding syntactic and substantive knowledge under the concept of Teachers content knowledge. Research concentrates on educator content information (TCK) in syntactic and considerable regions have revealed insight into the situation. Considering the articles that have been composed on educator content information syntactic and considerable, we can presume that instructors' information on grammar and the substance of what they are instructing are essential parts of powerful instructing. Research directed on educator content information in Pakistan has uncovered moderate to fair degrees of syntactic and meaningful TCK among instructors. These examinations have featured the requirement for educator preparing programs that can address the holes in TCK, particularly in subject-explicit regions like science, arithmetic, and language.</em></p> Adil Ali, Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Irshadullah, Dr. Samreen Mehmood Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Voices of Tradition: Gender Portrayal in Punjabi Proverbs from Chak Zahir District Mandi Bahauddin, Punjab, Pakistan <p><em>This study investigates gender representation in Punjabi proverbs, challenging the prevailing view that they solely perpetuate patriarchy. Analyzing 43 proverbs collected from native speakers in Chack Zahir, Punjab, the research employs Judith Butler’s performativity theory to explore how language shapes gender identity within cultural contexts. Findings indicate that while many proverbs target women, often portraying them as inferior, they also honor maternal figures. Notably, proverbs serve as wisdom texts that reflect societal norms and can be used by women to contest gender ideologies. The study concludes that Punjabi proverbs embody the complexities of cultural expression and should not be solely viewed as instruments of gender discrimination. Instead, they reveal a nuanced interplay of power and identity influenced by gender, age, and class, highlighting the need for a broader examination of their implications in Punjabi culture.</em></p> Dr. Atifa Nasir, Zainab Hussain, Majid Hussain Alias Ghalib Hussain Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An Interview Study into the Effects of Winter Migration on Girls Education in Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan <p><em>In order to analyse the role played by winter migration on girls’ schooling in upper Swat District, Pakistan, the paper employed qualitative methods and emphasized particular areas including Gabraal, Lai Kot, Kalam, Matiltan and Usho. This research examines how cultural norms interact with deficiencies in infrastructure and bureaucratic impediments that resulted in educational chaos. Laikot and Gabbral are places with severe weather conditions due to close proximity to glaciers hence they experience seasonal movements to urban areas. In these areas annual movement is usually observed from November to April. This consequently results in disrupting the education of children particularly girls. The interviews data indicate that the winter migration is not the sole factor influencing girls' education. Upon analysing the data, it was discovered that other variables, such as patriarchal mind-set and cultural expectations also play a role in shaping girls' education in the region. The analysis indicates that the educational infrastructure provided by the government in these places is inadequate. As a result, the proportion of females receiving education significantly decreases to a concerning level, with just 4-5 girls having completed school up to grade 5. Significantly, there were no girls who advanced to the middle school level. The tradition of early marriage is popular among young girls aged between 14 and 17 years which also limit their chance of attending school. Semi structured interview based on interactive observation has been used in this research to get the viewpoints of local inhabitants both male and female who think girls’ education may be a source of disturbance. They have an underlying fear that acquiring knowledge might make them deviant or rebel against these cultural norms. </em></p> Huma Shakir, Dr. Farooq Nawaz Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Relationship between Perceived Stress and Academic Performance of Students at Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST) AJ&K <p><em>The purpose of this study is to ascertain the relationship between perceived stress and students' academic performance at Mirpur University of Science and Technology. The study's population consisted of 2570 students from the faculty of natural and applied sciences and 2865 students from the faculty of social sciences and humanities at Mirpur University of Science and Technology. After getting exact population, sample size was calculated using Yamane’s Formula and 190 students from the faculty of natural and applied sciences and 210 students from faculty of social sciences and humanities were taken as sample. Data was collected using an adopted questionnaire PSQ by (Levenstein,1993). The scale had thirty items, and likert scales with five points were used to score the responses. For academic performance CGPA of the student were gathered. Descriptive statistics and correlation test was used to analysis data by using SPSS. According to the results of the correlation analysis, students' academic achievement at Mirpur University of Science and Technology and their perception of stress are positively correlated. There is a strong correlation between pupils' academic achievement and their reported stress. These findings indicate that there must exist some mediating factors that explain why the relationship between students' perceived stress and academic performance turned positive. This opens up a new line of inquiry for researchers in the future to pinpoint the mediating factors that explain why students' perceived stress is improving their academic performance.</em></p> Aqsa Afzaal, Dr. Haroona Qurban, Rabia Ashraf Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 In relationship of Nature of Schooling with Accessibility and Quality of Education at the Secondary School Level <p><em>This study describes the relationships between the nature of schooling in public and private schools and its impacts on accessibility and quality of education at secondary-level schools. Despite the Constitution of free and compulsory education, many children are out of school in Pakistan, with disparities in education access heavily influenced by socio-economic status. A quantitative research design was employed to collect the data from 200 students and 100 teachers from public and private secondary schools comprising a structured questionnaire adapted from previous studies to assess the key indicators of affordability, physical accessibility, teachers’ qualifications, learning resources, and overall student outcomes. The instruments were authenticated by an expert review and a pilot study, both of which confirmed their relevance and clarity. Furthermore, reliability was checked by applying Cronbach’s alpha where all constructs had scores higher than 0.70. Hence, it is evidence of acceptable internal consistency. The analysis was conducted on SPSS—descriptive and Inferential statistical analysis. The study revealed significant inequalities in educational access and quality between public and private institutions, highlighting the socioeconomic status, to address an immediate need for interventions that focus on these inequalities and improve outcomes for all students in Pakistan. This study also suggests that the Pakistani education system should develop long-term educational policies, focusing on equitable resource allocation to public institutions, rural communities, and marginalized groups. It emphasized on the importance of community involvement, increased capacity, and transparency in budgeting.</em></p> Amina Munawar, Dr. Shazia Malik Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Educational Research and Social Sciences Review (JERSSR) Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000